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Product Replacement


               11. The CUSTOMER has the right to refuse to receive the goods requested by him for purchase, when:

- the delivered goods clearly do not correspond to the ones ordered by him for purchase from the CLIENT and this can be established by a simple inspection;

- the product or its packaging was damaged during transportation.

               11.1. After receiving the goods, the CLIENT has the right to request its return if there is a significant defect that could not be detected during a simple inspection of the same.

               11.2. In the listed cases, the CLIENT may request that the delivered goods be replaced with those corresponding to the purchase request submitted by him by sending a corresponding written request to E-STORE.

11.3. A CLIENT, who is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, has the right, without owing compensation or a penalty and without giving a reason, to withdraw from the concluded contract for the purchase of goods through the E-STORE by returning the goods in time of 14 (fourteen) days, counting from the date of its receipt.

In the event that the CLIENT withdraws from the concluded contract within the period of the previous sentence, client should send a statement of withdrawal from the concluded contract to E-STORE and return the goods in an intact state, fully assembled, together with all accompanying documents, without any and any external or internal defects, in the original and manufacturer's packaging, including, but not limited to, the manufacturer's polystyrene or other protective elements, protective films, markings, etc., with shipping costs in both directions at the expense of the CLIENT.

The statement of refusal should be sent to the address: city of Plovdiv, 1 Frédéric Joliot-Curie St. or to the following e-mail address:

11.4. The CLIENT is obliged to store the goods received by him, not to use them, to ensure the preservation of its quality and its safety. The E-STORE is obliged to reimburse the CLIENT in full for the sums paid by him no later than 15 working days from the date on which the CLIENT exercised any of his right of withdrawal.

The 14-day cancellation period does not apply to: custom made order or personalized products.


12. Contact can be made by sending an email or by calling the phone number +359878878155.