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Current versions of web browsers offer an improved user control system regarding the placement and duration of cookies. Look for "cookies" under your browser's "Help" menu for more information on how to manage cookie functions.

BIJULAND EOOD takes care to keep the information in the E-STORE always correct and up-to-date, but does not guarantee its reliability and completeness.

BIJULAND LTD does not guarantee that access to the E-STORE will be uninterrupted, timely, secure and error-free, to the extent that this is beyond the capabilities, control and will of BIJULAND LTD. The company is not responsible for not providing access to the E-STORE, as well as for the non-processing or untimely processing of purchase requests, in the event of circumstances beyond its control - cases of force majeure, random events, problems in the global Internet network and in the provision of services beyond the control of BIJULAND LTD.

BIJULAND EOOD guarantees the privacy of information containing personal data provided by CUSTOMERS. Disclosure is possible only in cases where the information is requested by state bodies or officials authorized by law to request and collect information containing personal data and in compliance with the legally established order.