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Terms & Conditions




EIN 160008725

VAT number BG160008725

Address: Plovdiv, 1 Frédéric Joliot-Curie St

CEO: Sebiha Bayram

These General Terms and Conditions regulate the order, manner and conditions for purchases and sales through an electronic store owned by BIJULAND LTD (hereinafter referred to as "E-STORE").

These General Terms and Conditions constitute a sales contract between BIJULAND LTD and the CLIENT. BIJULAND LTD provides the CLIENT with the opportunity to purchase the goods offered through the E-STORE by making a request and paying the relevant sales price, subject to the CLIENT's compliance with the present GENERAL TERMS.

BIJULAND LTD is a registered trademark under the Copyright Act and any use of content from the site; including text, photos or other resources, without the knowledge or consent of BIJULAND LTD is prohibited.


1. For the purposes of these GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS, the listed concepts are used with the following meaning:

BIJULAND EOOD is registered EIN 160008725, VAT BG 160008725

Address: Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 1 Frédéric Joliot-Curie Street, providing goods via E-STORE.

Goods and articles are those advertised in the E-STORE.

Each item has basic features, an image, and a selling price.

"CLIENT" means a natural or legal person who places an order in the E-STORE.

2. "CLIENT PROFILE" means information about the CLIENT (name, surname, company or organization, address (city, region), postal code, telephone, e-mail address, EIC/Identification number, VAT number, CEO, etc. .), provided by the latter when filling out a registration form and stored by E-STORE for the purposes specified in these GENERAL TERMS.

3. "SELLING PRICE" means a price including VAT for Bulgaria per piece or for a certain amount of goods, excluding costs for delivery of the goods, except when explicitly mentioned.


4. The publication of the main characteristics of the product and its selling price in the E-STORE essentially constitutes a public invitation within the meaning of Art. 290, para. 1 of the Commercial Law to make a purchase request in accordance with them.

The E-STORE does not guarantee the availability of the ordered items. If it is impossible to fulfill its obligations, due to the fact that it does not have the goods requested for purchase in stock, the E-STORE, within 5 (five) working days after receiving the purchase request, notifies the CUSTOMER - by calling the phone number specified in the registration form or by sending a message to the e-mail address specified by the CUSTOMER - for the depletion of the goods and for the possibility to change the order at will.

In the event that a payment has been made and the CUSTOMER does not wish to change his order, the amount paid for the ordered item(s) will be refunded to him within 10 working days after receiving feedback from the CUSTOMER.


5. In order to make valid orders/requests for the purchase of the goods offered through the E-STORE, the Customer can register (by filling out a registration form) or make an "anonymous" order by providing only the information necessary for delivery.

Registration information – the CLIENT provides the E-STORE with the following information:

- for personal accounts - name, surname, address, telephone, e-mail address;

- for business accounts - name of the company or organization, telephone, e-mail address, address, Identification number/EIK, VAT number.

The CLIENT guarantees that the data it provides when filling out the registration form is true, complete and accurate, and if the data changes, he/she will notify E-STORE to update them in a timely manner. In the event that the CLIENT provides incorrect and/or out-of-date data, the E-STORE has the right to suspend the access to the CLIENT's registration immediately and without notice and access to his/her client profile. The CLIENT bears full responsibility for the protection of his password, as well as for all actions carried out by him/her or a third party by using it.

Agreeing to the GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS – when placing an order, it is considered that the customer is familiar with the present GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, expressly accepts them and undertakes to comply with them.

Each purchase request from the CUSTOMER through the E-STORE, based on these GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS, is submitted and carried out in fulfillment of the purchase and sale agreement between the parties. In the case of a dispute whose will is to be bound by the text of these GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS, the person who paid the price of the goods requested for purchase is considered a party to the contract.


6. An order/request for purchase is submitted by the CLIENT and the latter performs the following actions in sequence:

6.1. The CLIENT, after coming to the web page linked, has the opportunity to select products and add them to a virtual "BASKET" by pressing the "BUY" button;

6.2. When clicked on the virtual button "VIEW THE CART", client gets access to the "CART" - a table in which client can adjust the number of ordered items;

6. 3. In the "BASKET" the CLIENT determines the quantity of the goods and proceeds to fill in the personal data for the purchase by pressing the virtual button "PAYMENT";

6. 4. The CLIENT fills in personal data for the order - name, surname, e-mail, city, address, telephone, payment method. If he/she wants an invoice, client will fill the information; name of the company or organization, EIK, VAT number, invoice address;

6.5. When the "SEND ORDER" button is clicked, the request for the purchase of goods through the E-STORE is considered completed.

6.6. The processing of the order will be carried out within 1 to 3 working days. Orders are processed in the order of their receipt and regardless of value or number of items.

6.7. If an incomplete, incorrect or wrong address and/or phone number is specified when submitting the order/request, it is considered invalid and E-STORE has no obligation to fulfill it.


7. The purchase request is accepted by the E-STORE by sending a message to the CLIENT's e-mail address, with the following content: name, delivery address, e-mail address and correspondence data of BIJULAND LTD, information on the main characteristics of the requested product, its selling price, the value of postage or transport costs not included in the selling price and related to its delivery, the payment method chosen by the CUSTOMER, the specified invoice data and delivery address, the right of the CUSTOMER - user to withdraw from the contract, the conditions and the way to exercise this right.

The request gives rise to an action between the parties after checking the availability of the goods requested for purchase and after confirming its validity on the contact phone indicated by the CLIENT or by sending a message to the CLIENT's e-mail address.


8. All prices of goods in the E-STORE are in Bulgarian leva, including VAT. Prices are per unit and do not include shipping costs unless specifically stated.

The price and delivery costs can be paid in any of the following ways:

* upon delivery - in cash by the Customer or by a third party on behalf of the CUSTOMER;

8.1. For cash on delivery by postal money order (PPP), which is payment of the delivery amount to the courier or at the office of the courier company upon receipt of the shipment, in cash. With the payment, the contract for the supply of goods is considered fulfilled by both parties.

BIJULAND EOOD has signed contracts for this service with Speedy and Econt.

The user must not forget to request and receive a receipt for a postal money order from the courier, which is a receipt and is a document for authentication and accounting of the payment.


9. The goods ordered for purchase shall be delivered to the delivery address specified by the Client within 7 (seven) working days for Bulgaria. For other countries, delivery time of the goods may vary according to the courier company that will carry out the delivery.


10. The goods are handed over to the CUSTOMER or to a third party, who accepts and confirms receipt of the same on behalf of the CUSTOMER by signing the documents accompanying the goods, within 6 calendar days of the notification that they are available for collection by courier. In the event that the CLIENT is not found within the delivery period at the address specified by client or access and conditions for delivery of the goods are not provided within this period, the E-STORE is released from its obligation to deliver the goods requested for purchase.

10.1. The CUSTOMER can confirm his desire to receive the goods even after the expiry of the delivery period in which he was not found at the address, bearing all the costs of the re-delivery. In this case, a new delivery period starts from the moment of the confirmation according to the previous sentence. Shipments that are not claimed by their recipients within a period of 6 days from the date of arrival of the shipment at the recipient's address or courier's office will be returned back to us!

10.2. Customers who do not receive confirmed and shipped orders to them, will be removed from our customer list and will be restricted from placing new orders on the site!


11. The CUSTOMER has the right to refuse to receive the goods requested by him for purchase, when:

- the delivered goods clearly do not correspond to the ones ordered by him for purchase from the CLIENT and this can be established by a simple inspection;

- the product or its packaging was damaged during transportation.

11.1. After receiving the goods, the CLIENT has the right to request its return if there is a significant defect that could not be detected during a simple inspection of the goods.

11.2. In the listed cases, the CLIENT may request that the delivered goods be replaced with those corresponding to the purchase request submitted by him by sending a corresponding written request to E-STORE.

11.3. A CLIENT, who is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, has the right, without owing compensation or a penalty and without giving a reason, to withdraw from the concluded contract for the purchase of goods through the E-STORE by returning the goods in time of 14 (fourteen) days, counting from the date of its receipt.

In the event that the CLIENT withdraws from the concluded contract within the period of the previous sentence, client should send a statement of withdrawal from the concluded contract to E-STORE and return the goods in an intact state, fully assembled, together with all accompanying documents, without any and any external or internal defects, in the original and manufacturer's packaging, including, but not limited to, the manufacturer's polystyrene or other protective elements, protective films, markings, etc., with shipping costs in both directions at the expense of the CLIENT.

The statement of refusal should be sent to the address: Bulgaria, city of Plovdiv, 1 Frédéric Joliot-Curie St. or to the following e-mail address:

11.4. The CLIENT is obliged to store the goods received by him/her, not to use them, to ensure the preservation of its quality and its safety. The E-STORE is obliged to reimburse the CLIENT in full for the sums paid by him no later than 15 working days from the date on which the CLIENT exercised any of his right of withdrawal.

The 14-day cancellation period does not apply to: custom made order or personalized products.


12. Contact can be made by sending an email or by calling the phone number +359878878155.


13. According to Art. 181a of the Civil Code and in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013, if it is impossible to resolve disputes directly, an ADR internet platform for resolving consumer disputes can be used, which is available at the following address:


14. None of the parties shall be liable for failure to fulfill its contractual obligations if such failure is due to force majeure. Force majeure is an unforeseeable event beyond the control of the parties that cannot be avoided.

If, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the relevant event, it does not stop, each party has the right to notify the other party that it is terminating the Agreement without owing the other party compensation for any damages that may have been suffered.


15. Bulgarian legislation is applicable to this contract. Accepting these general conditions, the Client understands and agrees that BIJULAND LTD can transfer all its rights and obligations arising on the basis of the Document to another company or a third party that is part of the BIJULAND LTD company group.

15.1. Any disputes arising between BIJULAND LTD and Clients will be resolved by mutual agreement or if this is impossible, the disputes will be resolved before the competent Bulgarian courts. Purchase and sale contracts concluded between a Customer and a Seller through an E-store are decided by the competent Bulgarian court in accordance with Bulgarian legislation, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.


16. BIJULAND EOOD respects the confidentiality of your data and guarantees their lawful processing and protection according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04.2016.

Personal data is all that data that can be linked to a specific person or an identifiable person. These include, for example, your names, telephone number, postal address or email address.

Using our website is impossible without providing personal data.

For the purposes of processing your order, we store and process your first and last name, address, email and mobile phone number. We do not require a credit card number and bank account.

The data necessary for the execution of the contract for the purchase and sale of goods are provided only to the extent necessary to other third parties (e.g. courier services) within the framework of the registration and for carrying out the sale of goods. Our service providers are entitled to use the data provided to them only for the performance of their duties, but not for any other purpose. Our website enables you to make a purchase of goods. For this purpose, we provide your data, if necessary, to one of the following payment service providers specified in the booking process. Payment can only be made through the online payment methods specified in the store.

Processing your personal data for the purpose of marketing communications is a consent given to us personally by you (for example by filling in an email form on our site) or automatic collection of certain data when you use our website, through the use of cookies.

BIJULAND EOOD does not provide to third parties personal data for advertising purposes.



17. Cookies are information that is saved on the user's hard drive and contains data that is used by the browser. The use of cookies is not related to the disclosure of personal information when you are on our site. After closing the browser, cookies are no longer active. Cookies are used to track your interests and clicks on the pages of This allows us to make improvements to our website that meet your needs and requirements. Cookies are not provided to third parties. If you choose to disable cookies in your browser, you may not be able to complete certain activities on our website.

Current versions of web browsers offer an improved user control system regarding the placement and duration of cookies. Look for "cookies" under your browser's "Help" menu for more information on how to manage cookie functions.

BIJULAND EOOD takes care to keep the information in the E-STORE always correct and up-to-date, but does not guarantee its reliability and completeness.

BIJULAND LTD does not guarantee that access to the E-STORE will be uninterrupted, timely, secure and error-free, to the extent that this is beyond the capabilities, control and will of BIJULAND LTD. The company is not responsible for not providing access to the E-STORE, as well as for the non-processing or untimely processing of purchase requests, in the event of circumstances beyond its control - cases of force majeure, random events, problems in the global Internet network and in the provision of services beyond the control of BIJULAND LTD.

BIJULAND EOOD guarantees the privacy of information containing personal data provided by CUSTOMERS. Disclosure is possible only in cases where the information is requested by state bodies or officials authorized by law to request and collect information containing personal data and in compliance with the legally established order.

18. By accepting these GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS, the Customer gives his express consent to the processing of personal data, according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and the processing of his personal data is for the purposes of direct marketing and to fulfill the commercial objectives of the sale. The CLIENT has the right to object to the processing of his personal data for direct marketing purposes by sending a written message to the above contact addresses.

19. These GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS are in force from 08.03.2022, and BIJULAND LTD reserves the right to change these GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS at any time by promptly publishing these changes on its website In case of changes to these GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS TERMS AND CONDITIONS The CLIENT may declare that he rejects the changes by sending a statement of the rejection of the changes to the address: Plovdiv, 1 Frédéric Joliot-Curie St. or to the following e-mail address: Upon receipt of the express statement of rejection, the sales contract is deemed to be terminated. The changes in the GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS do not affect the relations between the CLIENT and BIJULAND EOOD, which arose in connection with a valid request for the purchase of goods submitted before the changes.

The provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to matters not settled by these GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS.