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Privacy Policy


16. BIJULAND EOOD respects the confidentiality of your data and guarantees their lawful processing and protection according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04.2016.

Personal data is all that data that can be linked to a specific person or an identifiable person. These include, for example, your names, telephone number, postal address or email address.

Using our website is impossible without providing personal data.

For the purposes of processing your order, we store and process your first and last name, address, email and mobile phone number. We do not require a credit card number and bank account.

The data necessary for the execution of the contract for the purchase and sale of goods are provided only to the extent necessary to other third parties (e.g. courier services) within the framework of the registration and for carrying out the sale of goods. Our service providers are entitled to use the data provided to them only for the performance of their duties, but not for any other purpose. Our website enables you to make a purchase of goods. For this purpose, we provide your data, if necessary, to one of the following payment service providers specified in the booking process. Payment can only be made through the online payment methods specified in the store.

Processing your personal data for the purpose of marketing communications is a consent given to us personally by you (for example by filling in an email form on our site) or automatic collection of certain data when you use our website, through the use of cookies.

BIJULAND EOOD does not provide to third parties personal data for advertising purposes.



17. Cookies are information that is saved on the user's hard drive and contains data that is used by the browser. The use of cookies is not related to the disclosure of personal information when you are on our site. After closing the browser, cookies are no longer active. Cookies are used to track your interests and clicks on the pages of This allows us to make improvements to our website that meet your needs and requirements. Cookies are not provided to third parties. If you choose to disable cookies in your browser, you may not be able to complete certain activities on our website.

Current versions of web browsers offer an improved user control system regarding the placement and duration of cookies. Look for "cookies" under your browser's "Help" menu for more information on how to manage cookie functions.

BIJULAND EOOD takes care to keep the information in the E-STORE always correct and up-to-date, but does not guarantee its reliability and completeness.

               BIJULAND EOOD does not guarantee that access to the E-STORE will be uninterrupted, timely, secure and error-free, to the extent that this is beyond the capabilities, control and will of BIJULAND EOOD. The company is not responsible for not providing access to the E-STORE, as well as for the non-processing or untimely processing of purchase requests, in the event of circumstances beyond its control - cases of force majeure, random events, problems in the global Internet network and in the provision of services beyond the control of BIJULAND EOOD.

BIJULAND EOOD guarantees the privacy of information containing personal data provided by CUSTOMERS. Disclosure is possible only in cases where the information is requested by state bodies or officials authorized by law to request and collect information containing personal data and in compliance with the legally established order.

18. By accepting these GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS, the Customer gives his express consent to the processing of personal data, according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and the processing of his personal data is for the purposes of direct marketing and to fulfill the commercial objectives of the sale. The CLIENT has the right to object to the processing of his personal data for direct marketing purposes by sending a written message to the above contact addresses.

               19. These GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS are in force from 08.03.2022, and BIJULAND EOOD reserves the right to change these GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS at any time by promptly publishing these changes on its website In case of changes to these GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS TERMS AND CONDITIONS The CLIENT may declare that he rejects the changes by sending a statement of the rejection of the changes to the address: Plovdiv, 1 Frédéric Joliot-Curie St. or to the following e-mail address: Upon receipt of the express statement of rejection, the sales contract is deemed to be terminated. The changes in the GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS do not affect the relations between the CLIENT and BIJULAND EOOD, which arose in connection with a valid request for the purchase of goods submitted before the changes.

               The provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to matters not settled by these GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS.