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Privacy Statement


16. BIJULAND EOOD respects the confidentiality of your data and guarantees their lawful processing and protection according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04.2016.

Personal data is all that data that can be linked to a specific person or an identifiable person. These include, for example, your names, telephone number, postal address or email address.

Using our website is impossible without providing personal data.

For the purposes of processing your order, we store and process your first and last name, address, email and mobile phone number. We do not require a credit card number and bank account.

The data necessary for the execution of the contract for the purchase and sale of goods are provided only to the extent necessary to other third parties (e.g. courier services) within the framework of the registration and for carrying out the sale of goods. Our service providers are entitled to use the data provided to them only for the performance of their duties, but not for any other purpose. Our website enables you to make a purchase of goods. For this purpose, we provide your data, if necessary, to one of the following payment service providers specified in the booking process. Payment can only be made through the online payment methods specified in the store.

Processing your personal data for the purpose of marketing communications is a consent given to us personally by you (for example by filling in an email form on our site) or automatic collection of certain data when you use our website, through the use of cookies.

  • BIJULAND EOOD does not provide to third parties personal data for advertising purposes.